Monday, April 27, 2009

New school term... I am lost, totally confused and dunno what the hack am I doin at all. My soul had drifted away from my body. However can I get it back?

I guess it's still somewhere in Japan, cherry blossom viewing. Anyway I gues I just have to put all these up:
First meal in Japan. Itadakimasu!
Osaka Jou
The kinda-botak Sakura
The shiroi hana
Okonomiyaki! it's really oishii desu yo!
I seriouslylike their toire a whole lot
Steps to do b4 going into the shrine: left, right, drink
More deer xD kawaii ne (I mean the deer -.-)
Thats all for now XD lazy to upload lah, 700+++ photos leh...