This is the entry ticket to the SC. It costs $3 for children and $6 for adult.
This is the map of the SC. Pretty useful coz u nv noe when u'll get lost in such a big place!
This is the best thing to get for memorial! There's this computer which has a camera on top that takes ur picture and let u rite the headline... But u hav to use mouse for everyting... Keyboard doesnt work... This make the whole process boring and long... But it's worth it!
After we come out of the SC, there are tons of this stuff for tourist... But well... Im curious as usual *chuckles* so I took "some" of them u noe... And this is the Singapore map... It indicates most of the tourist attraction and contains foreign language (look at the cover and u'll noe which language issit XD)
Nice? This picture shows the orchard road this year... The decorations are pretty nice isn't it? This whole booklet is in Japanese again *giggles* I took for fun XP
It's really nice to go out with frens sumtimes to all this tourists attraction u noe... To look at all the amazing facts and stuff that our country hav installed for us... It's really nice... Im now waiting for Stella to send me the other photos that we have taken using her digi cam... I'll edit this post later so do come back to have a look!
Oh! And I almost forgot! Merry X'mas everyone!