Thursday, April 13, 2006

Busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy!!! Haiz... Today's nth much... But yesterday I realyl had a great time! Bernice smsed Ken the day b4 yesterday telling him to tell Eddie to meet us outside breadtalk but she decided to ground herself and not to go so I was the vry x-tra one out of the 3 other riversiders- Eddie, Ken and Ling. When I reach there at around 2+, 2 young females came up to me asking me to do a survey on Good Friday for them and I saw the 3 good fren of mine standing in the distance, annoyed XD... Then after that, I called them to go out for a "surprise" and I blew the bits of styrofoam that Gam and HQ gave me, all over them XD... They suggest me to have my luch at KFC and after MY lunch XD... We wentta the woodlands stadium for them to "practice" their X-country so I jus sat at the gallery to watch them run and dam the Eddie XD... He ran the longest track but came in the second!!! Then after one round of running, Mahdi( I hope I got the spelling correct =X) came and accompany Ling then the three of us were joking around wif and A4 size paper man and a "Sexy" uncle>>> Eddie started them all XD... Then we were on the phone wif Bernx and talking nonsence... After the run(s), they wentta buy bubble tea and then we head on to Mrs Chong's house, leaving Ling and Mahdi XD. Finally understand how to do lots of qns XD... Got the same feeling as Eddie "Why math tcher teach I dun understand but Mrs Chong only teach once then I understand liao O.o" I wann Mrs CHONG!!! XD Then bcoz Eddie seems too tired so Mrs Chong call him go home first then Ken and me continued wif science hehe not chapt. 5 and 6 but 7... It was only jus for like 30 mins then we went back to CWP and then took our own bus home... To Eddie, Ken and Ling: Really nice to b wif u guys and I hope we can meet as much as possible ok?