Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Wa-ah... Neck so pain sia... haiz... The fault of tt stupid flipper... Almost swung my head off... Anyways... I wentta escape yesterday with Yvonne Teo, Michelle, Ernie, JiaYan and a guy frm our class (I kept my promise not to say ur name kays) The reason I didn't blogg yesterday is tt... I was too tired F7... Anyaways... We went in and the first ride was viking... and then was the "superman" tinggy... XD... Finally... GO KART!!! Woots... I expect myself to AT LEAST have one ride on the Go Kart everytime I go escape... I started as the last one but muahahaha came back the third last! Yayness! After the Wet n Wild ride, my ass went wet XP... And we hav to go to KFC to eat wif our wet butts... Then we went back to play until my head hurts so bad tt I deamnd a stop to all the rides... It REALLY HURTS... So we wentta whitesands mall to hav a break... hav a kit kat... -_-|| anyways... the noodle there is real nice!!! And the pain was gone for good! Then we wanted to go to the arcade and hav a good dance one... But arh... Change to tuition centre -_-|| The guy still say the tuition centre is to teach us how to play arcade games... (rest assure, I won't say ur name XD) So since no arcade, we went back to escape again but erm... not long after, we hav to go... Good thing tt we can use our receipt and change for vouchers to go escape for free! It was a great deal coz we paid only $4 for this trip and we get to go free the next one haha... Anyways... the prove of me going INTO Downtown East...YES! Escape!The flipper tt made my neck pain til now -_-||