Lets talk about how it sucked first since there are lesser of them.
i. I sent my phone for repair because the place where I connect my headphone, charger and USB cable cant seem to work well. It said on the "receipt" that the thing has to be fixed for headphone to work and charger to charge. I got it back before x'mas eve and i was so happy that i cld listen to my songs without having my headphone coming off anymore. but when i reached home, i realize that it can't work with my usb cable anymore just because they didnt state that the list gotta work... now i have to go back to wisma again... this will be my fourth trip there within december.
ii. I wanted to buy some presents for myself looking at how little I will have... But i spent more than hundred just for the others... didnt mange to get any for myself TT
Ok, thats all... how it rocked? Check these out...
i. Usually I will have parties with my nanny and all. But they didnt have any this year. I tot thats the end of me, gonna spend my season of joy at home. But Glynis and her mum, auntie Alma, invited me to their parties. From none to two... thats a great improvement XP
ii. You don't know what a great cook auntie Alma is. I had a great feast at both parties!
iii. Cheyenne is such a sweet little girl. She made me a card thanking me for teaching her chinese and math. I actually forgot about teaching her math till she reminded me. Didnt expect her to remember too =D
iv. Glynis noes me too well to give me anything I don't like... Look at these:
A star Jewelery Box (and I love stars XD)
An Esprit Mug (I love my presents to be something that I use)
And do you expect anyone of my age not to like this?
This is from Auntie Alma and Uncle William. I am using it to put my necklaces now =P
v. Lastly, I love all the presents =D